Can reflective intelligence survive in the fast media environment?
Following from the previous post about how the speed of Facebook and Tweeter are shaping our moral compass.
David Perkins (Harvard) thinks that reflective intelligence (RI) is the most important one to learn. It’s being aware of your learning and thinking habits and how to improve them. It’s thinking about thinking – meta-thinking.
What brings me most joy when learning? Why?
What do I not understand?
What can I do to understand better? (Ask a friend)
What is the biggest success / aha moment? Write it down & use symbols.
What works and does not work for me?
The moments of learning…
How to switch on your reflective intelligence?
1. Notice what is working – write it down
2. Be grateful – gratitude feedbacks to your subconscious mind what you want and what is important to you
3. Get inspired and motivated by people’s aha! It stimulates your reflective intelligence and executive functioning. Revitalising. Strangely Twitter can be used to post those inspiring AHA! moments – follow us on