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SPEED READING FASTER – Maximize Your Success in Business & Study

The most comprehensive book on speed reading, guiding readers through simple techniques, strategies and tips to improve their reading speed, understanding and concentration.

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Spd Rdng – The Speed Reading Bible – The Speed Reading Book which Gives Speed Reading Techniques, Tips & Strategies For Ultra Fast Reading by Susan Norman & Jan Cisek

Spd Rdng The Speed Reading Bible 3.0 - Book Cover

Spd Rdng – The Speed Reading Bible – Speed Reading Techniques, Tips & Strategies For Ultra Fast Reading

Available as an ebook on Amazon Kindle    £6.99


Some of the reviews about the Speed Reading Book from Amazon website:
“Really easy to learn speed reading. Well explained. Lots of interesting stuff. All relevant. I can read quicker, remember more, get straight to what I need. It does what it says on the tin.” Penny de la Plain (Cape Town, Western Cape South Africa)

“Before I’ve read this speed reading bible I was reading at 210 words per minute. After just a few days of applying only some of the techniques (there are 37 techniques in total), I was reading at 600-800 wpm (words per minute) with higher comprehension. And what’s more the amount of the reading done was at least 10 times more than before. I’m saving so much time now (and money). It’s unbelievable. And English is not my first language. The great thing about all the speed reading techniques is that you don’t have to practice them – as the authors rightly put: you just need to put them into practice! They make it all so easy and it is. The techniques are so well explained and you gain immediate confidence as you become a speed reader. Highly recommended! It’s my best investment.” Saki (London)

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PAPERBACK AVAILABLE NOW – Your 200-page ultimate manual for speed reading

Spd Rdng – The Speed Reading Bible – The Speed Reading Book which Gives Speed Reading Techniques, Tips & Strategies For Ultra Fast Reading

Spd Rdng The Speed Reading Bible 3.0 - Book Cover

Spd Rdng – The Speed Reading Bible – Speed Reading Techniques, Tips & Strategies For Ultra Fast Reading

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Free summary of The Speed Reading Bible

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Speed Reading for Study: Speed reading techniques tips and strategies for studying fast and passing exams

Speed Reading for Study

Speed Reading for Study – available on KINDLE as an ebook

Read the preview of Speed Reading for Study: Speed reading techniques tips and strategies for studying fast and passing exams

Speed Reading for Study: Speed reading techniques tips and strategies for studying fast and passing exams is available on Kindle

Translations of The Speed Reading Bible

Spanish flagSpanish translation of The Speed Reading Bible by Peter Hearn is now available on Kindle: Lctra Rpda – La Biblia de la Lectura Rápida: Un Libro de lectura Rápida Con 37 Técnicas, Sugerencias y Estrategias para la Lectura Super Rápida (Técnicas … y Aprendizaje Acelerado)

Read a sample of Lctra Rpda – La Biblia de la Lectura Rápida: Un Libro de lectura Rápida Con 37 Técnicas, Sugerencias y Estrategias para la Lectura Super Rápida (Técnicas … y Aprendizaje Acelerado)

Italian flagItalian translation of The Speed Reading Bible by Marisa Carrara is now available on Kindle: Lttra Vlce – La Bibbia della Lettura Veloce: Il Libro della Lettura Veloce con 37 Tecniche e Strategie per la Lettura Super Rapida (Lettura Rapida, Lettura Veloce) 

Read the sample of Lttra Vlce – La Bibbia della Lettura Veloce: Il Libro della Lettura Veloce con 37 Tecniche e Strategie per la Lettura Super Rapida (Lettura Rapida, Lettura Veloce) 

German flagGerman translation of the Speed Reading Bible by Christiane White is now available on Kindle: SchnlLsn – die Schnelllesebibel: Das Buch ds schnlln Lsns – Schnelllesebuch mit 37 Techniken, Tipps und Strategien für ultraschnelles Lesen (Speed Reading) (SchnelLesen Speed Reading Schneller lesen)

Read the sample of SchnlLsn – die Schnelllesebibel: Das Buch ds schnlln Lsns – Schnelllesebuch mit 37 Techniken, Tipps und Strategien für ultraschnelles Lesen (Speed Reading) (SchnelLesen Speed Reading Schneller lesen)

French translation of The Speed Reading Bible by Nadine Chadier is now available on Kindle – La Bible de la Lecture Rapide.  Le livre de lecture rapide qui donne les techniques, astuces et stratégies pour lire ultra-rapidement

Read a sample of La Bible de la Lecture Rapide.  Le livre de lecture rapide qui donne les techniques, astuces et stratégies pour lire ultra-rapidement

Dutch translation of The Speed Reading Bible by Errie Plantangie is now available on Kindle – Spd Rdng – De Snellees Bijbel Snelleesboek met 37 Technieken, Tips en Strategieën voor Ultrasnel Lezen (Snellezen, Studievaardigheden, Geheugen en Versneld Leren)

Read a sample of Spd Rdng – De Snellees Bijbel Snelleesboek met 37 Technieken, Tips en Strategieën voor Ultrasnel Lezen (Snellezen, Studievaardigheden, Geheugen en Versneld Leren)

Biblia Szybkiego Czytania Ultra Szybkie Czytanie KursPolish translation of The Speed Reading Bible by Bozena Latek is now available on Kindle  – Spd Rdng – The Speed Reading Bible (Polish Edition) Biblia Szybkiego Czytania : Szybkie Czytanie: 37 Technik, Wskazówek, Strategii Ultra Szybkiego Czytania

Read a sample of Spd Rdng – The Speed Reading Bible (Polish Edition) Biblia Szybkiego Czytania : Szybkie Czytanie: 37 Technik, Wskazówek, Strategii Ultra Szybkiego Czytania

Spd Rdng – The Speed Reading Bible book reviews from good reads

“I have bought this book already a year ago but never started to read it. With my newly awaken interest in speed reading it was about time to look at what it has to offer and I am glad that I did.
The book itself is very well structured, which makes it easy to look up information quickly later. It describes the different techniques that allow us to not only read faster but also to comprehend more. In that way it’s similar to Remember Everything You Read: The Evelyn Wood 7-Day Speed Reading & Learning Program but it has less success stories and more shorter guidelines.
The big question of course is: does it work? For me it does, I am slowly improving. One of the secrets is to strictly follow the described methods and believe in them. Don’t stop for 3 weeks because that’s the time it takes to turn something into a habit.
I am using this iPad app to train my eyes, peripheral vision etc. and I have started to create Mindmaps as suggested, which is very motivating. It’s a lot of fun although I still have to make more experiments with novels.
A completely new trend is Photoreading (it’s shortly described in the book as downloading). That’s an amazing idea and something I want to try out soon too. (see Photoreading for more)” Andreas

“I’m so f word excited about this book it’s untrue. I started using the techniques for War and Peace and was able to really ‘look for the information I wanted’ i.e. any of the peace bits and enjoy the non peace bits. I stopped reading this initially because it really sucks the pleasure out of reading to begin with. But, now I’ve seen the light. I just bought 3 other books on International Relations to read all together to try out one of the techniques. Total game changer and perfect to read if you want to read a few more books before the year is out.” Angelique

“I am absolutely amazed by techniques described in this book. I have read just 20% of this book by now and I am already reading at least 5 times faster. I was in the awe by loudly saying “wow” like 5 times, when I was realising how effective these techniques are. Super recommended books for anyone who uses reading as a tool for personal growth, professional growth or any other growth were books are key.” Justas

“Really helped me to improve my reading speed.” Vikram Shinde

“This book was really helpful for me. I have always been one of those people who really loves reading, and yet it often takes me three or four reads of each paragraph to understand what I’m reading. Maybe I zone out mid-sentence. I don’t know.
But. Even before I finished this book, I was comprehending the things I read significantly more, and reading it significantly faster. I’m not yet at the level of the BF, who can read a 350 page thriller in 3 hours before bed, but I’m reading (and comprehending) at a pace at least 3 times faster than before. And it’s only been two weeks, so cut me some slack.
I highly recommend this book for anyone who struggles with reading comprehension or reading speed.” Holly

Great study guide for students and anyone who needs to pass exams, etc
I am a student mentor and I’ve used successfully the workbook The Speed Reading Bible by the same authors. Speed Reading for Study is a shorter ebook and therefore quicker to use. It took me less than 15 minutes to go through this ebook and get lots of very useful and practical tips for studying faster, writing essays, preparing for lectures, background reading and preparing for exams and passing them successfully. (actually, you can get through this ebook in 5 minutes just by reading the top tips). The syntopic processing technique for gathering info for essays is just brilliant. Highly recommended and very good value for money.” Bozena Latek,  Five star review from Amazon Kindle

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