Don’t have time to read books or classics get Passing Time in The Loo. Volume 1 covers: Literary Classics, Contemporary Muliticultural Classics, Quotes and Anecdotes, Biographies, The Best of Business and Leadership, Classics in Personal Effectiveness, Health and Fitness Advice, Word Power, Expanding Knowledge. In total over 150 books are summaries. And what brilliant book summaries. For example, I was impressed with one book so I bought it and speed read from cover to cover and there was nothing that they’ve missed in the summary. Passing Time in The Loo. Volume 2 covers: Dreamscapes, Realityscapes, Walking Back in Time (the drama of history), They Made a Difference, Poets and Poetry, Thoughts Worth Pondering, Fantastic Facts. Again over 150 top books summaries. I just wish they published it as ebooks or an app for the iPhone.