Set your purpose for speed reading this article
Before you start reading the article, think what sort of information you would expect to find in this article. Then spend two minutes previewing the article and setting your purpose. After getting into a good state, set your timer for 20 minutes and jot down information from the article which fulfils your purpose.
Sample purposes
Choose only one, or something better of your own.
1 Write a timeline of 6 key developments in spd rdng
2 Find 6 spd rdng techniques I will definitely use
3 Identify 6 spd rdng techniques and the names (and approximate dates) of the 6 different people who originally developed them
A History of Speed Reading and Spd Rdng (DOWNLOAD the pdf of this article)
Ever since people have been reading, many of them have been trying to read faster and more effectively. Oddly, though, apart from some early exploration by the US Air Force who held the first formal speed reading course at Syracuse University in 1925, there has been little or no support from educational establishments or governments. Even though you would think there were academic plaudits or increased educational attainments to be gained by the first organization or country to implement a reading programme which could take students beyond the basics, all advances seem to have been made by committed individuals who have remained outside the formal education system, and that is still the situation today.