An NLP modelling project by Tom O’Connor – NLP TIMES (NLP Videos and Trainings)
NLP meta-programs are perceptions and mindsets and behavioural patterns that operate at an other-than-conscious level. Meta-programs are filters through which we perceive the world. An example is an old maxim is the glass half full or half empty. By understanding and appreciating other people’s models of the world that may differ dramatically from our own we can learn how to do things better.
Modelling subject: Jan Cisek – Master Reader, PhotoReader, Speed Reader and Spd Rdr
1. Chunk Size: Global vs. Specific
Spd Rdng Student: Global
When spd rdng speed readers tend to go global and take in the big picture. The field of vision is broad and the area of focus tends to be on “Concepts” and “Ideas”, getting a Gestalt view. You sort for information at a global level. Global chunk style tends to lead to deductive processing and permits the speed reader to take large mental quick cuts through large volumes of information. There is quite a high level of generalisation. This differs significantly from a person who’s meta-program who is detail based. They will tend to focus on the low-level information, needing to acquire all the details and feel the need for multiple examples and overlapping of information before they feel they are comfortable with the material.
2. Relationship Sort: Same/Difference/Continuum
Spd Rdng Student: Difference
How you tend to process information when speed reading is by slicing for differences. Asking questions like “What different here? What concepts can I pick up that are different from my model of the world already?”
Sorting by difference tends to ensure and allow for the speed reader to bypass the need to read lots of details. This meta-program also links in with cross-referencing that you automatically do (particularly when you process syntopically) with information you already know.
3. Representation System: Visual/Auditory digital/Kinesthetic/Gustatory
Spd Rdng Student: Visual (lead), Kinesthetic (Reference)
When you’re speed reading, the dominant representation system being used is visual. However, it would appear that while you lead with the visual representational system, allowing you to process and sort large volumes of information, you rely on the kinesthetic for confirmation on many key aspects (such as the value of content in the book, the morphic field, sense of “is this book worth spd rdng). While traditional readers may use visual as the lead reference system, it is speed readers emphasis on accessing and using their kinesthetic sense that markedly differs.
4. Information Gathering Style: Sensors/ Intuitor
Spd Rdng Student: Intuit
Although you will adopt different meta-programs dependant on different aspects of the spd rdng flow. The speed reading student tends to exhibit an intuitor style or information. Intuitors tend to intuit things through their internal knowings, experience and feelings. This allows the speed reading student to take a more holistic approach to processing information.
5. Information Gathering Style: Downtime/Uptime
Spd Rdng Student: Downtime
The spd rdng student tends to be in downtime when speed reading. This state involves the speed reader going “inside” and become absorbed in the process and removed from the external world. It allows for a concentrated focus on obtaining your outcome and the re-assessment of “how am I doing? Am I getting closer to my outcome? Do I need to access other areas?”
6. Value Direction: Towards/ Away From
Spd Rdng Student: Toward
The speed reading student is drawn towards their outcome when speed reading. They are seeking specific concepts, understanding and themes which will make a difference. Once they have decided that a book is worth speed reading they search out for particular information (visual) and rely on their feelings (kinesthetic) to advise when they are “done” with a book or if they require another pass.
7. A frame of Reference: Internal/Internal with external check/ External/ External with Internal check
Spd Rdng Student: Internal with an external check
The successful spd rdng student tends to have a very strong internal frame of reference when it comes to speed reading books. They are lovers of knowledge and reading and rely on their own “gut” feeling when evaluating a book and also assessing if they have obtained all they need. They can use an external check when they are looking to obtain input on good books to read or afterwards where they are reconditioning their learning and discussing/teaching/exploring the book’s concepts with fellow speed readers.
8. Goal Sort: Optimiser/ Perfectionist/ Skeptic
Spd Rdng Student: Optimiser
The spd rdng student is noticeable by their easy approach to their information processing. They tend to focus on optimising “% of time invested vs. return on new ideas or knowledge obtained”. They differ from perfectionists (traditional school of reading) who have been conditioned to need to read every word and “you don’t know it if you haven’t read every sentence”.
Spd Rdng students are easy on their needs for “knowing everything” and realise that the information they require can be gathered in an easier flow like information gathering approach.
9. Time Experience: In Time/Through Time
Spd Rdng Student: Through Time Focus
Spd Rdng Students when speed reading and evaluating the material to work with tend to be aware of the time being spent. They are less “in time” focused, i.e. unaware of and totally lost in time. The traditional reader tends to be very “in time” focused and has a beginning but no end planned in mind.
10. Completion/Closure: Closure / Non Closure
Spd Rdng Student: Non Closure
The spd rdng student tends to have a relatively high tolerance for non-closure, being able to open up several loops of information streams and join the dots of an author thinking to bring together a global/ gestalt view and understanding of the concepts at play. A traditional reader will tend to have a very high need for closure and in comparison to the speed-reading student will be quite passive in enquiring and holding open a number of information loops.
Summary of the priority of influence
Not all meta-programs hold the same influence or weight when a student is speed reading, some are more relevant than others, therefore the key list I’ve seen so far are:
- Global chunking style
- Sorting for difference
- Strong towards motivation – outcome driven
- Low level for completeness
- Representational system: Kinesthetic