Exercises for eyes for optimal speed reading

Exercises for eyes for optimal speed reading

It’s harder to read when your eyes are tired. Keep your eyes in an optimal state for reading by doing eye exercises from time to time:

Change focus / 20-20-20

Look up from what you’re reading and alternate a few times between focusing on something in the distance and on something up close. This is called 20-20-20. Your eyes need regular breaks to prevent strain. Every 20 minutes make sure that you take 20-second break from what you’re doing to focus on something 20 feet or more away.

Palm your eyes

Briskly rub the palms of your hands together to warm them slightly. Place the palms over your closed eyes and gently massage the bony areas around the eyes (not directly onto the eyeballs) with the outsides of your palms for about 30 seconds. Open your eyes under your hands, and create a seal with your palms so that you’re looking at complete darkness for a moment or two.

Eye writing

Writing with your eyes, you will force them to move out of their normal ways, giving them more flexibility and range of motion, and strengthening the ocular muscles. Look at a wall or space in front of you and imagine in your mind writing your name or any word using just your eyes. Use your eyes only to write your name or any word – do not move your head – moving them like a pen or paintbrush. Write in capital letters, small letters and in italics.

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